CIS Controls Assessment Specification for Controls v8.1
About the CIS Controls
About the CIS Controls Assessment Specification
Terms of Use
CIS Control 1: Inventory and Control of Enterprise Assets
CIS Control 2: Inventory and Control of Software Assets
CIS Control 3: Data Protection
CIS Control 4: Secure Configuration of Enterprise Assets and Software
CIS Control 5: Account Management
CIS Control 6: Access Control Management
CIS Control 7: Continuous Vulnerability Management
CIS Control 8: Audit Log Management
CIS Control 9: Email and Web Browser Protections
CIS Control 10: Malware Defenses
CIS Control 11: Data Recovery
CIS Control 12: Network Infrastructure Management
CIS Control 13: Network Monitoring and Defense
CIS Control 14: Security Awareness and Skills Training
CIS Control 15: Service Provider Management
CIS Control 16: Application Software Security
CIS Control 17: Incident Response Management
CIS Control 18: Penetration Testing
CIS Controls Assessment Specification for Controls v8.1
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